#MSignte The Tour London 2020

Hat’s off to Microsoft they did it again, two whole days and what an event!20200117_135358You know when it’s a good event, when your exhausted, brain is fried, blisters on your feet and a sore throat from talking too so many likeminded I.T folk, thank you Microsoft your awesome!


The #MSignite tour series is set out to provide technical training led by Microsoft and the I.T Tec communities. Giving an amazing opportunities to learn from local industry leaders, new ways to build solutions, migrate and manage your  infrastructure.

The two day events centre on tailored training paths enabling you to follow the technical sessions you require, giving in-depth looks into the products and services you require. You’re able to book your sessions via a clean mobile phone app to schedule your time.


When you’re not in the training sessions there is plenty of time allowing you to meet with experts who build and support Microsoft technologies, connect with technical communities, network with local industry leaders and peers. The Hub.

On day one I followed the 5 sessions of the: Deploying, managing, and servicing windows, office and all your devices
Transition to a modern, productive environment—and simplify the process of keeping desktop and mobile devices secure and up to date with Microsoft Intune and System Centre Configuration Manager.

Day two I started following the Microsoft Teams learning path, however cut this short after two session as I had the opportunity to spend a good hour with Microsoft staff at Microsoft Showcase stand learning some great tips and skills to help my progress in deploying Windows 10.

One of the best sessions of the two days by far with such an amazing amount of audiance participation was provided by Dona Sarkar @donasarkar and Dux Raymond Sy @meetdux  From Geek to Chic: Build Your Brand & Elevate Your Career in 5 Steps.

I would never have believed I would see the whole audience at a tech conference get up and DANCE!


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