Microsoft 365 Training Day:

Desktop Deployment 6th November #MicrosoftLDN

Well I made it to London, early start and 3 cups of coffee later I’m early and having a nose through the Apple shop window on my way to the new Microsoft Flagship store on Oxford Circus.

The view of the Apple store was clean and sparse not overly inviting so lucky for me they weren’t open yet. Carrying on up the road and WOW! The visual Impact and location of Microsoft’s new Flagship store just grabs your attention and draws you in.

I’m here for a full on Microsoft 365 Training Day: Desktop Deployment. The day was planned out as below.

09:00-09:30     Registration/Check-In/Mingling

09:30-10:00     Simplify your IT management with Windows 10 and Office 365 ProPlus

10:00-10:45     Windows deployment and servicing overview

10:45-11:30     Office 365 ProPlus deployment and servicing overview

11:30-12:15     Planning a modern desktop deployment

12:15-13:15     Lunch

13:15-15:30     Desktop Deployment Workshop/Demo’s

15:30-16:00     Networking Reception


The day was well planned out and well attended, coffee supplied to keep us all awake and attentive during the presentations, which were all delivered in an entertaining and technical manor providing an excellent overview. A big thanks to @robertepstein from Microsoft for hosting.


Lunch (free) was great, giving plenty of time to network, speaking with likeminded IT administrators all going through their own upgrade process for Windows 10 and Office 365 and how they are tackling issues and deployments.

The afternoon session was more intense with live demos of Microsoft #Intune and Desktop Deployment Workshop. Finishing the day off, free beer and more networking all in all a great day well planned and fantastic content. Thanks again #Microsoft for a great free event.

Useful links

Modern Desktop Deployment Centre:

Learn about the user and IT benefits of a modern desktop:

Windows 10 IT Showcase Readiness Resources:

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